
Showing posts with the label My Weight Loss Journey

Eleven Pounds Down

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about my 6 lb weight loss in one week and the steps I took in order to jump start my weight loss journey. This included a failed attempt at a juice cleanse and the start of my 6-week High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) boot camp at a gym not far from my home. Unfortunately, I injured my ankle while going hard with my workouts. I limped on it for a few days, ignoring the pain - while continuing with my regular exercise and work schedule. Until one fateful morning, I awoke to a foot so swollen I couldn't fit a shoe or even walk for that matter. After a consultation with a specialist, I was given an orthopedic boot or "air cast" and told that I wouldn't be able to finish out my challenge. The news was heartbreaking. My fiance has managed to lighten the mood though. He certainly makes me smile! The good news is up until that point I had lost a total of 11 pounds! It was an interesting, three-week journey and I enjoyed c

How I Lost 6 lbs in One Week and Why I Wanted To

The last few years I have struggled HARD with my weight and appearance. I can honestly say I that though fairly fit-looking through my high school and college years as well as very early 20's, I never truly appreciated my body. At a lean size 12, I obsessed over the fact that it was considered "plus sized" and stressed myself out trying to lose weight. I was to the point where I often wouldn't eat - and when I would - it would be teeny tiny quantities or full out binges. Size 12 Jasmine, sophomore year of college (also Halloween lol) By the summer after my freshman year of college, I went a whole week just eating sweets from Georgetown Cupcake. No other foods. That's how bad it was. But because I "looked fit", worked out vigorously, and usually hid my binging - people had no idea what I was doing. Technically, this is called an eating disorder. I struggled with it for years and wish now that I would have gotten help sooner to understand what

Sippin' on Detox Juice (Laid Back) Pt. 3

In case you were wondering, I didn't make it past day three of my green juice detox. Things went downhill last week and instead of trying to stop it from "snowballing" I grabbed my skis and welcomed the plummet down "Pig Out Mountain". In the span of four days, I consumed Chipotle, Chinese food, Ledo's pizza, Carvel ice cream cake, and close to my bodyweight in movie popcorn with extra butter. Pray for me. I'm supposed to start my six-week fitness boot camp today and I am not at all prepared. I missed the 3-hour nutrition class because I had to work this past weekend, I have no idea what time the fitness classes happen during the day, and I probably only have one appropriate set of gym clothes. Also, there are soooooo many rules to follow during this challenge! I had only one rule during my detox (i.e. ONLY DRINK GREEN JUICE) and I couldn't even follow that! What in the world have I gotten myself into? I have absolutely no idea ho

Sippin' on Detox Juice (Laid Back) Pt. 2

Technically I should be on day three of my detox juice cleanse . Technically... But yesterday I had a moment of weakness. While running errands for work, I was overcome by hunger. Even though I had already swallowed down my second juice of the day, my stomach was not trying to let me live my best life. Actually, I think my stomach and I have different views on what my best life should look like. My version of my best life includes green juice and a flat stomach. Hers include chocolate cake and Chipotle burrito bowls.  Anywho -- I saw a Panera Bread and made the executive decision to assuage my hunger with a healthy salad or bowl of soup. Unfortunately, when I got to the check-out I ordered a turkey sandwich and chips instead because that was the only thing WE could agree upon. And by WE I mean ME and my stomach because it has a MIND OF ITS OWN . We always argue and WE can NEVER agree on ANYTHING . The cashier's eyes flashed an evil smile as she delivered news that

Sippin' on Detox Juice (Laid Back) Pt. 1

I have to lose 35 lbs. Like yesterday. Ever since the move into my new home my waistline has had a mind of its own. And by waistline, I mean mouth. I have been devouring carbs like Ms. Pac Man devours blinking ghosts. I don't ever recall gaining weight to be this easy - but to those who know my current life - it has generally been explained away as relationship weight or "happy weight". I.E. the pounds you put on when you're feeling the most comfortable in your relationship. Not sure if that's what's going on or not - but it's time to shed this weight. Over the years I've really struggled with my weight - but I've always been able to snap it back. This time around, the snap just ain't snappin. Desperate times call for desperate measures... Image from I ordered a detox green juice from Groupon and it just arrived last week. I drank my first this morning and it was pretty tasty. Not as "sweet" as my palate wou

Granny Bra Blues

The state of my chest is most unfortunate. If it were a book I might call it "Swing Low: A Tale of Two Titties" or perhaps "Breast of Blessings: When the Cup Hath Runneth Over". My fiance has named both. The left (Stacey Dash) and the right (Omorosa). Why you ask? His response to me, "they're black, gorgeous, and you hate both of them". Touche, my love. Touche. My front sacks came into my life at the tender age of 9. I barely remember that fun stage when little girls beg their mothers to buy them a training bra. Nopeity nope. I went from undershirts to underwire in one summer. I went into my 6th-grade year a DD cup...eventually getting accustomed to the pubescent oogles, and sometimes stares from grown men. It was the breast of times, it was the worst of times. My titty journey has been one plagued with misfortune. Of ill-fitting granny brassieres that only come in three colors: black, white, taupe. Black, white, taupe. By age 15 only black