Bucket Listing and Why You Should Try It

About six years ago I made a bucket list following the completion of a vision board exercise.

I prayed on it and waited on awesome things to start manifesting in my life.

I waited.

And waited.

And waited some more.

In the middle of all the waiting, I struggled to find my footing amidst my "quarter-life crisis". I worked several part-time jobs alongside one full-time job, I read countless lifestyle magazines and motivational books, and remained faithful... all with the hope that I would chance upon the perfect opportunity that would eventually turn my life completely around.

Long story short, that life-shattering, "out-of-the-blue" opportunity that would make all of my dreams come true never came. Despite, not feeling completely happy with where I was in life -- I asked the question of myself, "how can I start living out my dreams sooner than later?"

At the age of 24, my bucket list consisted of the following 12 things:
  1. Visit a waterfall
  2. Go to Iceland
  3. Fall in love 
  4. Start a blog
  5. Love my career
  6. See Hamilton 
  7. Invest in a company
  8. Leave a legacy
  9. Meet at least one of my favorite celebrities (President Obama, Beyonce & Gordon Ramsey)
  10. Own land
  11. Sing "Proud Mary" at karaoke in New Orleans
  12. Win an award (or an awesome prize)
The things that are crossed off of the list have already been accomplished. 

Visited  Les Chutes de Carbet in Guadeloupe in 2016

Sang Proud Mary at Cats in New Orleans, LA in 2017

Started Jasmine The Invincible blog in 2018

Saw Hamilton live at The Kennedy Center in July of 2018

Can you believe that in only 6 years, I've been blessed enough to achieve half of the items on my bucket list?

For me, the key was remembering that living my life starts now. Not when I'm making the perfect salary or have the perfect body. Not when I feel I only have a few good years left because of age or illness.

According to Very Well Mind, bucket listing not only keeps burnout at bay but it also a great way of fitting more hobbies into our often busy lifestyles. Creating one, or even several lists can help you get in touch with your values, remember goals, spark creativity, and keep track of peak experiences. All of which is 100% true in my case. Having a bucket list kept me feeling inspired and hopeful, especially when times were hard or frustrating. 

By the end of this year, I hope to add at least 5 new things to my existing bucket list, as well as create a completely separate list which focuses only on travel goals. 

My bucket list exercises also remind me that tomorrow is promised to no one. Life is very short. We should use our time here on earth to honor our Maker and love each other as well as be kind to ourselves. Use these concepts and you brainstorm how to pursue your bucket list today. That's right -- don't just create your list -- but start strategizing how you can have these experiences as well!

Happy planning!

-Jasmine (The Invincible)

What do you plan to cross off of your bucket list within the next year or two?
