$4 Picnic Basket

As a lady who loves her getaways, I always try my best to keep things thrifty by saving money when possible. Often, this includes making meals in advance of my trip and packing a lunch.

Usually, I throw my snacks in whatever I can get my hands on. I own I pretty standard cooler bag, but I've always wanted a nice wicker basket for special occasions.

Image from Amazon
I nearly purchased this basket from Amazon. I figured I may not find a better deal than $22.

Though an oddly specific item, I decided to push my luck by searching for one at a thrift store. I'm usually bouncing around between several Goodwill stores as well as Waldorf Family Thrift. Over the course of about three weeks, I randomly popped into several of my favorite secondhand stores until...

I found this awesome wicker basket for only $3.99! Despite the wicker being frayed in one place on the inside, it is in great condition! I can easily fix it using pliers and super glue. It was totally worth the search! I can't wait to take it out for a spin on my next day trip! It is big enough to fit a bottle of wine and a few of my favorite snacks.

You can't beat $17 in savings! If you are looking for a picnic basket, consider checking out your local thrift store first! Hopefully, you'll find one as easily as I did!

How do you save money by purchasing secondhand?
