How I Lost 6 lbs in One Week and Why I Wanted To

The last few years I have struggled HARD with my weight and appearance. I can honestly say I that though fairly fit-looking through my high school and college years as well as very early 20's, I never truly appreciated my body. At a lean size 12, I obsessed over the fact that it was considered "plus sized" and stressed myself out trying to lose weight. I was to the point where I often wouldn't eat - and when I would - it would be teeny tiny quantities or full out binges.

Size 12 Jasmine, sophomore year of college (also Halloween lol)
By the summer after my freshman year of college, I went a whole week just eating sweets from Georgetown Cupcake. No other foods. That's how bad it was. But because I "looked fit", worked out vigorously, and usually hid my binging - people had no idea what I was doing.

Technically, this is called an eating disorder. I struggled with it for years and wish now that I would have gotten help sooner to understand what I was going through. By my senior year of college, I had much more balance in my life and was trying hard to live healthier.

My mid-to-late 20's were marked by general adulting stress - including a toxic work environment and the depression it caused. In the span of 5 years, I put on close to 50 lbs. Though now I barely recognize the woman I see before me in the mirror, I've tried hard to love her. With an extra 50 lbs on my body, I hiked a rainforest to see one of the biggest waterfalls in Guadeloupe. I found love (and got engaged). I even started this blog.

By the way, last 10 lbs of my weight gain were likely "happy pounds" or relationship weight.

My current job keeps me very busy and is pretty physically demanding. I realized a couple of months ago that if I don't try to get in shape, I may not be able to keep up.

A few years ago, I tried group HIIT (high-intensity intervals training) at a place in Alexandria called The Worx. While I loved the workouts, it was hard to stay motivated because everyone looked super fit and I felt like the one fatty in the corner. I may have lost a bit weight, but my success was short-lived because I was... well ... embarrassed while working out. I didn't make it past a month at that gym.

To my surprise about a month ago, I saw several advertisements for a similar gym right in my area called Fitness Optimist Cloud 10. I figured I would give the 6-week challenge a try. Considering my failed juice cleanse, I'm glad I made the decision.

During the informational session, we were greeted by our challenge leader who explained the cost and the rules of the challenge. I immediately felt intimidated, but I knew I had to do something about my health. I signed the contract at the end of the session and waited for the challenge to start. I missed the mandatory nutrition class due to work, but I had my first day last Monday and have been trying my hardest ever since to stick to the plan.

The keys to my success have been:

Following their diet plan: This includes eating meals/protein shakes several times a day.

Blender bottle for shakes on the go
Each challenge participant was issued a manual which explains what you can and cannot eat. It is straightforward and even explains which type of seasonings and condiments you can use. I never feel hungry anymore and look forward to meal time like Sam Wise and Bilbo Baggins.

Everything is accessible and I've enjoyed cooking and meal prep.

Exercising 5x a week: All challenge participants must exercise 5x a week at the gym. Classes last an hour and are available in the early morning and evening. I prefer the morning classes because I have a bit more stamina earlier in the day.

We also have to check-in via social media for accountability (which is the reason why you see my workout posts) as well as keep their logo as our profile photo throughout the duration of the challenge.

Drinking water: I generally do not have an issue with water consumption, but this gym requires you to drink at least a gallon of water a day. Now, I make sure I keep a bottle of water on hand at all times. I try and get my steps in at work by walking back and forth to the water cooler eight times over the course of the day.

Weighing in often: We are also required to weight in on Mondays. Yesterday was when I learned of my 6.2 lb weight loss. I have a scale at home, so I now plan to manage this daily (per the instructions in my manual).

Also, many of the folks who work out at Cloud 10 have bodies like mine - which makes it easier to stay motivated. I look around the room during every class and say to myself, "if she can do it, I have to push myself harder!". It makes a big difference and I look forward to living a healthier lifestyle and working out with the rest of the challengers during coming weeks.

What are you doing to keep yourself motivated in your fitness goals? 

Please note - this is not an endorsed post. I paid my own money for the gym challenge.
