Eleven Pounds Down

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about my 6 lb weight loss in one week and the steps I took in order to jump start my weight loss journey. This included a failed attempt at a juice cleanse and the start of my 6-week High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) boot camp at a gym not far from my home.

Unfortunately, I injured my ankle while going hard with my workouts. I limped on it for a few days, ignoring the pain - while continuing with my regular exercise and work schedule.

Until one fateful morning, I awoke to a foot so swollen I couldn't fit a shoe or even walk for that matter.

After a consultation with a specialist, I was given an orthopedic boot or "air cast" and told that I wouldn't be able to finish out my challenge. The news was heartbreaking.

My fiance has managed to lighten the mood though. He certainly makes me smile!

The good news is up until that point I had lost a total of 11 pounds! It was an interesting, three-week journey and I enjoyed cooking my healthy meals and working out with the other challengers. Every workout was difficult but rewarding. It was exciting to watch my body change and feel stronger each week.

For now, I'll just be chilling until I can jump back into my classes. Thanks so much for your support! I look forward to sharing the news with you of my recovery!
